25 thoughts on “I Gotta Feeling – Black Eyed Peas Concert in South Africa FIFA World Cup 2010

  1. me encanta su musicaa la verdad, pero no me gusta mucho como cantan en

  2. Una de las mejores bandas del momento, terrible el show y la energia q
    transmiten verlos en vivo

  3. You can say whatever you want, but this an international concert that
    people usually enjoy… Wait for Brazil and you will see what I am talking
    about… Brazilians have a need to show extreme appreciation for their
    local bands, particularly from Bahia which I personally think is a shame.
    If you are hosting an international event, you should consider thinking
    about people from other countries who will be there…

  4. @Scotty4492 I was browsing through videos to give them the benefit of the
    doubt and see if ALL their concerts are usually as shitty as super bowl…I
    don’t owe you can explanation as to why I was looking at this video. I am
    not going to argue with you because everyone has an opinion and I was just
    MAKING a VALID observation about you saying they are “older” and thats a
    lame ass excuse as to why they can’t perform, if thats the case they should

  5. @majaazdaja123 ok you go up on stage then, and lets see if you can do better

  6. They r always auto-tuned and thats the only reason y they sound good on the
    radio…but in live…YIKES!!! Without all the edits 2 their voices, they r

  7. The first song they didnt produce themselves . Yeah, studios make miracles.
    This song defines the world cup. I still can’t believe how Nederland got it
    so wrong, yet again.

  8. son una porqeria!! yo era fan de ellos y ahora me doy cuenta qe fergi no
    sabe cantar es pura farsa no se ni porqe existe ese grupo de black eyes
    peas es una verdadera porqeria obviamente no hay comparacion con justin
    bieber el es el mejor!

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